Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014


Diposting oleh Mutia Azila di 07.34 0 komentar


Language Blends
·      advertisement + inflation = adflation
·      beauty + utility = beautility
·      breakfast + lunch = brunch
·      camera + recorder = camcorder
·      channel + tunnel = chunnel
·      diplomacy + economics = diplomics
·      documentary + drama = docudrama
·      feminine + seminar = feminar
·      helicopter  + airport = heliport
·      international + police = Interpol
·      man + animal = manimal
·      medical + care = medicare
·      motor + bike = mobike
·      motor + hoter = motel
·      news + broadcast =newcast
·      smoke + fog = smog
·      video + idiot = videot
·      transfer + resistor = transistor
·      sky + laboratory = skylab
·      work + alcoholic = workaholic
·      information + technology = infotech

Code Mixing
1.        Demi Lovato akan menajalani homeschooling agar lebih fokus ke kariernya.
2.        Rian akan menjadi juru bicara anti-bullying dalam acara sekolahnya.
3.        Reysa mengajak echa melakukan treatment di anggrek ayu spa.
4.        Miekey akan mengunjungi neneknya di Australia weekend ini.
5.        Chika meminta Belli untuk menemani dia fitting baju pengantin
6.        Rudi mengajak anjingnya untuk jogging bersama di komplek rumahnya.
7.        Karena keasikan bermain game online Adi tidak mendengar panggilan ibunya.
8.        Gian mengajak gebetan barunya dinner di restaurant jepang.
9.        Akun facebook Ferry di hack oleh temanya sendiri.
10.    Friska menggunakan credit card untuk membayar barang belanjanya.
11.    Bemby lupa mengabari ibunya kalau dia akan pergi ke birthday party temanya.
12.    Fendy mengajak pacarnya menonton acara konser yang ditampilkan secara live.
13.    Para penggemar telah menunggu EXO melakukan comeback dengan antisipasi tinggi.
14.    Verlhy akan pergi shopping ke pondok indah mall.
15.    Roni lupa menghadiri meeting hari ini.


Selasa, 29 April 2014

Flower Blubs

Diposting oleh Mutia Azila di 08.38 0 komentar

Flower Blubs




Flower bulbs offer gardeners an easy, economical way of producing a vibrant flower garden. Bulb flowers come in a vast array of colors, sizes and flowering periods. Gardeners often plant bulbs in intervals to obtain continuous blossoms throughout the spring and fall seasons. Even when the blooms have faded, these plants accentuate flowerbeds or containers with their showy foliage. Bulbs provided with satisfactory growing conditions will fervently blossom year after year.


Flower bulbs cultivated for commercial purposes began in the late 16th century in Haarlem, a municipality in the Netherlands. Haarlem, however, is not the place of their origin. Tulip bulbs came from central Asia, and dahlias originated in Mexico. The amaryllis bulb originated in South America, while freesias and calla lilies hailed from South Africa. When these bulbs were brought to Haarlem, their marketing value was quickly recognized. Thus, they became popular throughout Haarlem and surrounding regions. Today, flower bulb production continues to be an important, profitable industry in the Netherlands.

Types of Bulbs

Bulbs are divided into two general categories: Spring-flowering bulbs should be planted in the fall since root development is stimulated through the dormant period of frigid temperatures. These bulbs must be in the ground before the first heavy frost, be exposed to full or partial sun and be planted in locations that have good drainage. Spring-flowering bulbs include tulips and daffodils. Summer and fall-flowering bulbs are planted in late spring. These flowers do well in borders, rock gardens, ground covers, containers and hanging baskets but cannot survive winter temperatures. Bulbs dug up each fall should be stored in a cool location until planting time. Lilies, colchicums and saffron crocuses are examples of this type of bulb.


"Bulb" is a common term referring to the fleshy storage system of plants that grow from underground. In reality, not all of these storage systems are bulbs. All flowers grown in such manner are not grown from bulbs. Some plants, such as the cannas, are grown from rhizomes. Gladioli are grown from corms. Dahlias are produced from tuberous roots. Corms are shorter and rounder than bulbs and usually have a flat top and a concave bottom. Rhizomes are plants with a root-like stem and tuberous roots are just that--roots.

Conditions for Growing

For a bulb plant to develop properly and produce every spring, it must be given a proper growing environment. Bulbs should be planted in an area where they can remain undisturbed through cold winter temperatures. Poor soil can be fortified with organic matter. Mulching the ground can help protect the plants from heaving--uprooting that can occur through continuous freezing and thawing of the ground. All foliage should remain on established plants after spring or fall blooms have faded. This enables the plants to replenish food supplies through photosynthesis. When this process is complete, foliage will die back naturally. Dried plants can be removed when foliage has died back completely.

Reproduction of Plants

Some bulbous plants produce seeds that can be germinated and grown into flowering plants. This method of propagation is not as popular as propagation by division. Propagation by division is, in most cases, easier, and flower color and type can be predicted. New bulbs develop quickly in the spring. These young bulbs are closely attached at the bottom of the mature bulb. Separation must take place for the mature bulb to continue to produce proficient plants and blooms.


Nama: Mutia Azila
NPM: 25211046
Kls: 3EB10

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

How to Be a Good CEO

Diposting oleh Mutia Azila di 05.43 0 komentar

How to Be a Good CEO




Becoming a CEO doesn't happen overnight. CEOs work their way through the ranks and rise to the top thanks to a combination of hard work, perseverance, and traits and qualities that make him or her a top-notch business leader.


Being a Great CEO
1.    Understand what a CEO does.
The CEO of a company isn't necessarily the founder or even the owner; a CEO isn't quite the same thing as an entrepreneur. A CEO isn't a mere bookkeeper or office monkey, though, either. Rather, the CEO's job is to run the company: oversee financial decisions, resolve imbalances, and keep things on track for more profitability each and every year. This means a great CEO is a combination of an ideas person (like an entrepreneur), willing to take risks and think big; and a hands-on person, eagle-eyed in matters of money and human resources, always willing to dig into the details until everything is perfect.
2.    Rely on experience.
Most CEOs attain their position after many years – sometimes decades – in the same industry, or even at the same company. Once you reach the top, don't forget your roots. Use all that you know about your business (or area of business) to run it as efficiently as possible: differences between written policy and practical “ground rules;” connections who can give you insight into places you're no longer closely connected to; attitudes and beliefs among low-level employees about the business.
3.    Lead with vision.
To be a truly great CEO, you must exercise control over your company by shaping the workplace environment to be one that has a distinct and palpable culture. In other words, a great leader creates a sense among his or her employees that they are a part of something truly special, something bigger and more significant than any one part of the whole. Your attitude and actions towards your workforce very clearly set the tempo at every level of the company.
4.    Be clear-cut.
As a CEO, it's your job to run the entire business. Though you delegate many of the daily tasks to your subordinates, you're the one with the bird's-eye view who can see the whole pattern of the company as it breathes and changes over time. Bearing that in mind, use what you see and know to communicate your plans and explain your decisions to your workers clearly, plainly, and openly. If they know what your vision for the company is, they'll have a much easier time helping you to realize that vision.
5.    Stay connected.
Never succumb to the illusion that the CEO lives and works in an ivory tower while the rest of the business goes on below, guided by distant edicts from on high. An effective CEO is always in the thick of things: visiting every department, assisting with any task he or she is qualified to assist with, speaking to employees and listening to their feedback. A part of your time is necessarily spent at the top, planning ahead and thinking in broad terms, but the rest of your time should be spent in the thick of the action.
6.    Embody strategy.
Above all else, once you become a CEO, your business is the future of the company. You must be adept at thinking six moves ahead, seeing around the next corner, and guessing what the future will hold. Stay abreast of trends and always think about your company's place in the business world at large. How can you stay king of the hill? If you're not, how can you knock the other schmoe out of the top spot? If these are the questions that help guide your business strategy, you'll be the most effective CEO you can be.


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